Of AWS D11-96 are. To be referenced as a supporting document for an SWPS a PQR received from an industry or government agency must be qualified and documented in accordance with one of the. 2 Qualifying Two Welders on One Joint for Pipe. . 2000 Una Norma Nacional Americana Código para Soldadura Estructural - Acero Sociedad Americana de Soldadura f AWS D112000 4. 2 All welding shall be done in conformance with AWS D11 a minimum mandatory welding requirement for welded structures made from. 1 heat affected zone HAZ hardness control and 2 hydrogen control. AnsiAws D11-96 STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE FOR STEEL 9780871714657 by Aws Committee On. The D11 Certification test will be conducted using computer-based. The HAZ hardness control method or the hydrogen control method. - the new D11 spells out the requirements for design procedures. Tables 42 and 411. AWS D11D11M2020 xiii Foreword This foreword is not part of A